Tuesday 19 January 2010



finish on the 23 jan.

Saturday 9 January 2010

old school

last week I was going on to facebook. then stumbled across a group named Sek Keb Minden Height Class of 2000. met lots of old dudes and gals.
this school brings back memories. have lots of catching up to do.

heres a summary of Minden Heights

SKMH completed and fully functional on April 1987, a total of 192 students have registered in January. Therefore, students are forced to ride in SRK Bukit Gelugor, during the school term from January 3 to 4 April 1987. On April 20, 1987, a total of 340 students from several schools behampiran, including students who ride in SRK Bukit Gelugor, directed move to SKMH. Intake and increasing year to year and in 1990, SKMH work in two sessions.

finals of finals are next week. doo looo

Sunday 3 January 2010

wellllllll back again then dead then back then....(you know...)

looking back, have not been active in the sphere for a long time. what make me think of going back.....


hints on the pic above .

well then the blog will be dead again till june. so this is a teaser... hahahaha,.