Sunday 26 February 2012

what makes you, You?

long post alert: for TL:DR version scroll down to get the summary

i did not come up with this topic all of a sudden. was talking some dude on the street that triggered me to write this. there is a worrying trend that i am seeing people are comfortable with their life. i would not name the dude because there are many dudes and ladies with the same problem. One thing i see is that people would like to mirror someone else like some joker on the street or some sapian that is influential. i mean like trying to emulate most aspects like achieving the same materials status with the mirrored target, or trying to have the same perception of the person. some how when i was growing up. i was lucky that i was thought the uniqueness of different people and to not feel like a sore thumb sticking out just because you do something that is said to be weird by your peers.

of course i had a little hard time when i was little. but that story would be told another time. but even with the weirdness that is associated with me  i still manage to survive in my adolescence's period. but look at this way.

when we were young  i mean like kids of the age of  below 6, we didnt give a shit who are we friends with. there is always a wierdo like me in a group of small kids and yet all of us can get along without any prejudicesem.  you could say something wierd and yet non of your friend would say that it is nonsence .well those were the days where you could YOU. At my age now at 24 , i start to see that the days of being a kid is all over. we start to have segregrated groups of  people where we would like to be in.  if you think back what happen in you primary and secondary school, this segregration idealogy is planted from the base of our education system.

you have got to think about it, in my primary school. there were groups of smart students who are in the top class and  slow learners in the lower class. and we were made to think  that being in the slow learners class makes us feel unsuperior of the top class. i hope you can see where this is going. and yes you can disagree with me but most of  our innocent minds were corrupted by this ideology that if you are in the slow learners class that means that you must be some sort of delinquent. and for students that are in the class would happen to to believe that they are..

sorrry if this paragraph has some rough words but i am going to make a point here. imagine telling a small child that he or she is stupid every day. what does that say. of course the child will believe that he or she is stupid and will accept the fact that that is the truth and the ultimate truth. that is what is happening in schools now that implement this grading separation system. this is the start to a bigger dilemma that is going to be faced by my generation at a whole.

well the class segregration is just the begining for the process. this tends to get worse over time as when you are in a class with fast learners there would be another segregration that would happen that is due to the teachers influence. there would be a group of students that the teacher would like to teach as the that is waht is expected in a class full of smart boffins. but being in a top class for a year i can see that this cause a neglect in the some what slower in the fastest league students. i was one of but then this made us want to become someone different.

this is where i make the statement that you are you and you cannot be someone else. but some how we change our ways to be part of the elite peers and thus neglecting what qualities that makes unique to others. this is further amplified with in tertiary education level where i see  students start to split up into groups and for some students that cant find a group that they are comfortable with, they change their ways to be recognised . and the cycle gets worse when we are older.

how can this stop. well i dont know. i am just some normal dude that may be affected by this.

tldr version: people are not being themselves and try to emulate others. the end.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Epic OST from an indy game.

i know i am a little late on the bandwagon. but for those who know touhou project  should know that it is an awesome 2d shooter game. but heck you gotta be asian to play that game as it is super hard for a dude like is what you would expect from the game.

 the not only the game is awesome but the ost created composed by ZEN the one man developer of the game. to tell you the that dude puts the mental in instrumental.  below are a few ost that i enjoy.

Enigmatic Doll.

Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Red and White

honestly the best song i like is Un owen was her? and yeah that is the name of the song.

Epic sial!!!!!!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Blazing Afternoon Sun

Greeting arise that starts anew
Streak of amber seen from window
Await in moment we anticipate in vain.
Giving a drive of what's ahead

Maturing time changes the shade
Amber to clearness marks a growth
Gradient of shadow implies the future.
Warming the environment in the process

Forward in moment reveal more
Unpleasantness sinks to knowledge
Perceiving routine an unbearable manner
Period of which seems eternity.

The evening of time shows an end
Short comings of unpleasantness are of history.
Resetting back to what is of the initial stage.
cycle of this repeats inevitably.