Thursday 26 January 2012

Paradoxical statement

What makes a statement paradoxical. there is a show that i watch which is hosted by Stephen Fry. i wonder how much knowledge does he have when he is on the show. Like he know almost every topic that . well back to the topic. there was a statement on the show which he asks the contestants on what is the worlds most uninteresting number. to which most of the guests on that show came up with a few different answers. To which the answers of  it seemed to be 1729.

of course this claim to this number seemed to come from a story of a mathematician visiting another mathematician. link. you can click the link if you want to find out more . but in summary the mathematician is visiting a very ill mathematician in the hospital. and well being awkward human beings like all engineers and mathematicians, there was silence in the  ward. Thinking on how to start a conversation, the dude that was visiting opened up with a statement that 1729 seemed not that numbers that interest the people at whole. and well that claim was shot back by the ailing mathematician saying that it is in fact an interesting number.

1729 smallest number that can be represented as the sum of two cubes in two different way.

i wonder how can a mathematician can think up of such complex statements in such a short time. and getting back to the topic of the post, this is a classical example of a paradoxial statement. By telling something that in not interesting, it indirectly draws attention to that claim making it an interesting bit. 

How about  "Please ignore this notice". well did you ?

1+1= 3
the equation above and this statement is false.

well paradoxial is something interesting in other sense of time travel. a famous paradox theory known as the grandfather's paradox is seen here

lets say that you have a time machine and then you go back in time to kill you grand father. by right without a grand father your father wont exist and thus you wont be around to go back to kill your grandfather thus your grandfather would still be alive. which the whole cycle becomes a paradox and continues in an infinite loop

well the quirky part of this paradox is depicited in futurama where fry went back in time and killed his grandfather but some how he did not vanish in thin air as seen in back to the future. instead he was still alive not because his grand father is related to him but some how he is his own grandfather as it was shown that fry slept with his grandmother. 

dont ask me why i started writing stuff like this. anyway more coming soon.

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